I am here to compare certain aspects between the Life in UK and Life in India. So the topic is Life in UK Vs Life in India. I am explaining in Malayalam, the different points that act as a criteria for someone to decide whether to come to the UK or not. Should you come to UK? Watch the video and then decide. So the main factors I am discussing is about Money, People, Weather, Safety, Food and Transportation, Health care and the overall Quality of Life. After watching the video you can easily make a decision and if still confused or having doubts, let me know and I shall help you out. However it is just my opinion regarding London, UK and you might need to go there and experience it yourself to make a decision. However UK is a very good place to settle down, but with some drawbacks as well, like it does in every other place. This video is part of London exploration trip(Malayali in London). Hope you enjoy it. Please subscribe to our channel and click the bell icon for updates.

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So do watch the Life in UK Vs Life in India Video and let me know your response in the comment section!

About London
London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom, is a 21st-century city with history stretching back to Roman times. At its centre stand the imposing Houses of Parliament, the iconic ‘Big Ben’ clock tower and Westminster Abbey, site of British monarch coronations. Across the Thames River, the London Eye observation wheel provides panoramic views of the South Bank cultural complex, and the entire city.

See also  Hyde Park London | United Kingdom | Malayalam Travel Vlog

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